dinsdag, juli 29, 2008
maandag, juli 28, 2008
zondag, juli 27, 2008
Wandeling langs 't kanaal

Today we went for a walk along the canal. It was hot today, so it felt really good in the cool shade of the trees. Giant Hogweed in full bloom.

I hoped we would see a nice milestone, so I could take a picture for Klaartjes photo challenge blog, this week's theme is numbers. I can imagine this photo on a birthday card too...
zaterdag, juli 26, 2008
Hydrangea Quercifolia

The Hydrangea Quercifolia leaves are showing Fall colors already.

Enveloppen mini album, rouwkaartje
The flowers are creamy white. They will turn green soon, some with red spots or edges. I pick some each year, and press them to use on cards :
Envelope mini album, Sympathy card
vrijdag, juli 25, 2008
woensdag, juli 16, 2008
Regen - Rain

De eerste foto is een blad van de kamperfoelie. Ongelooflijk hoe die bolletjes water er op blijven liggen. Bovenop de zaaddoos van de klaproos staat een vijvertje.
Klaartje has this fun new photo challenge blog, the first challenge is rain. Finally we had rain today :)
The first photo shows a honeysuckle leaf. Amazing how those water drops stay in place. The poppy pod has a little puddle on top.
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