donderdag, april 30, 2009
woensdag, april 29, 2009
Sering met druppels

No time for stamping yesterday. So in the evening I took a relaxing tour in the garden. This Lilac is planted in a pot. Smells delicious! Raindrops from an April shower.
dinsdag, april 28, 2009
maandag, april 27, 2009
Paardenbloemen-tic - Dandelion crazy

I really like them. And I'm not the only one, look at the fabulous photos in Taraxum officinalis Flickr pool.

Me on my knees again...
zondag, april 26, 2009
woensdag, april 22, 2009
dinsdag, april 21, 2009
zondag, april 19, 2009
Merel - Blackbird

Here's one of the blackbirds, who left his nest yesterday. He was hiding under the hedge. Mom made warning sounds from a distance.

Cute fluffy eyebrows.
zaterdag, april 18, 2009
Leeg nest - Empty nest

The blackbirds left their nest already. It was empty this morning. We can hear the parents make warning sounds, they keep an eye on their little ones, hiding under the shrubs.
woensdag, april 15, 2009
Paardenbloem / Dandelion
Honger!! / Hungry!!

Mom and Dad Blackbird are very busy, feeding their kids. Amazing how much bigger they are in just 2 days.
Ik ga hen verder gerust laten. Zullen ze blij mee zijn :)
I will leave them alone now. I think they will appreciate that :)
I will leave them alone now. I think they will appreciate that :)
dinsdag, april 14, 2009
maandag, april 13, 2009
Paasmaandag - Easter Monday
zondag, april 12, 2009
Nest met mereljongen - Blackbird's chicks

A blackbird made it's nest near our kitchen window. Today we noticed 3 chicks.
zaterdag, april 11, 2009
donderdag, april 09, 2009
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