Tijdens een avondwandeling met zoon Bert ontdekte mijn ventje dit vogelnest op een onverwachte plaats, tegen een boomstam. Hubby discovered this nest on an unexpected place: against a tree trunk.
I meant to check your photography blog last night and then I wake up and see you left me some nice comments on mine. Good for your husband in spotting this. I love it and man birds are so funny. Reminds me of where the Doves here make their nests, they just aren't the smartest birds in the trees IMO.
I meant to check your photography blog last night and then I wake up and see you left me some nice comments on mine. Good for your husband in spotting this. I love it and man birds are so funny. Reminds me of where the Doves here make their nests, they just aren't the smartest birds in the trees IMO.